Registered Charity No.6352 / CIF: G04854030

Meet Nickel.

Nickel needs a home.
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Staffie Cross. 9 years old.

He lives in the kennels with his friend Smartie. Nickel would have to be the only pet (unless Smartie went aswell). Ha ha.   Nickel would need a quiet home with a special family that would give him the time and space to adjust to all the sights and sounds of a home. Nickel enjoys playing with his toys. He would need time to get used to walking on a lead. He was hand reared by Maz and has only ever known kennel life.

Nickel has Leish (non-active). He has to take a maintenance dose of Alopurinol, 2 tablets for 7 days every 4th week.

Nickel has his passport and has been neutered.

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